
Is It Possible to Prevent Lice Eggs from Hatching?

Is It Possible to Prevent Lice Eggs from Hatching
Is It Possible to Prevent Lice Eggs from Hatching?

Before an even larger infestation, it is crucial to get rid of both adult lice and unhatched eggs.

If you treat or get rid of the lice at the correct moment, you can stop the eggs from hatching.

We go over the life cycle of head lice, how to stop lice eggs from hatching, and how to successfully get rid of head lice and their eggs from your hair in this article.

Lice life cycles

An adult head louse can stay in your hair for up to 30 days and will lay up to six eggs, or "nits," each day.

Lice eggs typically hatch in 9–10 days, giving rise to nymphs that mature into adult lice in 2–3 weeks. When you remove yellow eggs, you have stopped the eggs from hatching.

So that you can determine how long you've had lice and their eggs, below is the average lice life cycle:
  • An adult female louse can produce up to six eggs every day, which are attached to your scalp-region hair by a glue-like substance. Without a magnifying glass, it might be challenging to see these yellow eggs. They are readily confused with dead skin or dandruff.
  • Each egg takes roughly 9 to 10 days to hatch: The eggs' shells change to white or clear after hatching and remain attached to your hair.
  • Nymphs resemble considerably smaller adult lice and are about the size of the tip of a needle. They move around freely in your hair, have six legs, and are tan or grey.
  • Before reaching adulthood, nymphs shed their skin three times, each time taking about a week. Each time, the nymph grows a little larger.
  • Nymphs grow to adult size in 1-2 weeks: They are often tan or grey, though black hair may make them appear darker.
  • Lice can survive for up to a month in your hair after becoming adults: Lice can live and continue to lay eggs for up to 30 days as long as they can get blood from your scalp to survive. They have around two days to live if they fall off.

Is it possible to keep lice eggs from hatching?

If you treat lice eggs properly between the time they are laid and the week or so before they hatch, you may be able to prevent them from hatching.

Some treatments eradicate lice as well as any eggs that develop as a result of the therapy. Adding a hair comb to these treatments to get rid of lice and their eggs can often increase their efficacy.

Different adult lice may lay eggs at different periods. To prevent lice from spreading and laying additional eggs, treat everybody in your home or surroundings who has been with someone with an infestation.

What kills lice eggs before they hatch?

To stop lice eggs from hatching, use pediculicides, which are specialised lice treatments. You can purchase these medications over the counter or ask a doctor or other healthcare provider for a pediculicide with a prescription strength.

Use a pediculicide that is highly ovicidal. This indicates that it is intended to kill both lice and their eggs.

Malathion lotion can also be used to destroy lice eggs. However, it might not be as efficient as ovicidal pediculicides and might not be suitable for children under the age of 6.

How to remove lice eggs or nits from hair

An instruction manual for removing lice eggs from hair is provided below:
  • Get your hair wet: This makes lice and their eggs more visible.
  • Comb or brush your hair: Remove any knots that could make it more difficult to wet comb for lice.
  • Utilise a magnifying lens and bright lights: You can more easily see small lice and eggs thanks to this.
  • Use a lice comb: From your scalp outward, separate your hair into tiny, 1-inch sections.
  • Rinse or wipe off the comb: To get lice or eggs out of the comb, repeat this procedure each time you finish an area of your hair.
  • Comb each 1-inch section two times: Continue until your entire head is covered.
  • Rinse your hair with warm water: Use any ovicidal pediculicides you have in addition to rinsing.
  • Soak your lice comb: Soak it in pediculicide for up to an hour, or for 10-15 minutes in water that is hotter than 130°F.


If you remove lice eggs from your hair at the appropriate time or correctly treat them with a potent, ovicidal pediculicide, you can stop them from developing.

This can help stop lice infestations from spreading or developing into new infestations.


Can lice breathe in oil?

The olive oil kills by sealing the lice's breathing pores.

Can lice smell humans?

These findings imply that head lice may be attracted to the head odour of the human host when they are close to the host and choosing a scalp location.

Can I leave lice oil overnight?

It's important not to leave any OTC lice treatments on your head overnight.

Is it scary to have lice?

Head lice are annoying, but they're not dangerous and they don't spread disease.

Is it embarrassing to get lice?

While having lice can be embarrassing, anyone can get them. 

Is it OK to live with lice?

Lice are not the sort of guests you want in your home.

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