
What Kind of Medication Is Used to Treat Dizziness?

Dizziness can be treated with both prescription and over-the-counter medications, but it's crucial to identify the underlying cause. To identify the best course of treatment, you might require a doctor's examination and advice.

Many illnesses might cause dizziness as a symptom. Depending on the underlying cause, how frequently it occurs, and how bad your dizziness gets, your doctor will decide how to treat this symptom, which is a feeling of lightheadedness or unbalance.

This article will go over a few possible causes of lightheadedness as well as some accessible treatments.

Can you treat dizziness with medication?

The symptoms of dizziness can be present in a wide range of diseases and disorders. You may get dizziness and imbalance as a result. Similar symptoms include vertigo, which makes you feel as though your surroundings are spinning.

Finding a cause behind these two symptoms can be difficult, as can differentiating between them.

The key to managing dizziness is determining what causes or triggers it.

What causes may affect the medication you need for treating dizziness?

You may need to first determine the cause of your dizziness to determine how to cure it. Dizziness can be brought on by several circumstances and changes, including:
  • anaemia
  • dehydration
  • medication side effects
  • migraine
  • low blood sugar
  • an abrupt change in body position
  • low blood pressure
  • heart difficulties
  • vestibular neuritis
Although dizziness as a symptom may feel similar across many disorders, there are different ways to manage it depending on the underlying reason.

What is the best medication for dizziness?

The best treatment for your vertigo is one that specifically addresses the root cause or trigger.

For instance, if low blood sugar is the cause of your vertigo, eating a snack can be sufficient to make you feel better. If you're dehydrated, drinking some water will usually make you feel better.

Blood pressure swings and heart problems are two conditions that might be more challenging to identify, manage, and treat. For instance, the pressure that develops with abrupt changes in body posture, such as standing up too rapidly, won't be significantly relieved by a medicine to alleviate dizziness brought on by an irregular heart rhythm.

Similar to how treating anaemia may make someone feel better, removing a drug that makes someone feel queasy might be the solution for someone else.

Do you need a prescription to get dizziness medications? 

A prescription from a doctor is necessary for several drugs that are used to treat common types of chronic dizziness. A medical team will need to conduct testing and provide an official diagnosis before writing this prescription.

Your doctor will prescribe a drug for you based on the diagnosis.

Labyrinthitis and other disorders that result in swelling or fluid accumulation in the ear are among the most common causes of general dizziness and can impair your sense of balance. These issues are frequently brought on by infections and congestion, and they are typically addressed with drugs like:
  • NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, are used to treat inflammation.
  • steroids and antihistamines to lessen inflammatory or immunological reactions
  • anticholinergics that lessen nervous system activity and sweating
  • to alleviate nausea or vomiting, take antiemetics
  • benzodiazepines to promote tranquilly

The antipsychotic drug olanzapine, which has a relaxing effect, may also be used for dizziness brought on by neurological problems.

Additionally, certain over-the-counter remedies for dizziness and vertigo are available without a prescription. Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), a drug frequently used to treat vertigo and motion sickness, is one instance.

Are there side effects of dizziness medications?

Any drug, whether it is prescribed or available over the counter, has the potential to have negative effects.

Antihistamines, benzodiazepines, and olanzapine are examples of medications that have a soothing effect yet have the potential to make you drowsy or cause low blood pressure. Anticholinergic and antihistamine medications might also result in dry mouth or eyes.

Any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are taking should be discussed with a healthcare provider. Additionally, these drugs may interact with other dizziness treatments you may be taking, raising your chance of adverse effects.

Before discontinuing or switching any prescription medications for dizziness, you may also want to discuss any adverse effects you're having with a doctor. Some of these medications must be begun and ended gradually; discontinuing a prescription suddenly may worsen your dizziness and create additional problems.

Ways to treat vertigo naturally

There isn't always a simple, at-home remedy for vertigo. Try these remedies if your body position, nutrition, or hydration are the cause of your dizziness:
  • trying relaxation or meditation
  • making slow movements with your head
  • moving from sitting to standing slowly
  • drinking extra water
  • making gradual movements
  • laying down when you’re dizzy
  • maintaining a steady blood glucose level

These natural therapies typically work best if you only sometimes suffer dizziness because the condition may be brought on by transient problems like dehydration or low blood sugar.

Talk to a medical team for additional testing and diagnosis if you frequently feel lightheaded or if you've ruled out any of these problems that can be resolved holistically.


There are numerous treatments available because dizziness is a symptom that can accompany a wide range of diseases. Effective therapy depends on determining what causes your dizziness, and you might need to submit to testing and attend an examination with a medical specialist to learn this information.

Dizziness and vertigo can be treated with prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, but there are some situations when natural therapies might be beneficial as well. If you become so dizzy that you lose consciousness or faint, call 911 or your local emergency services and seek medical care right away.


Can stomach gas cause dizziness?

Holding it in can cause stomach cramps, abdominal pain, dizziness, and headaches.

Can stress cause dizziness?

Stress, worry, or anxiety may cause other kinds of dizziness.

Can lack of sleep cause dizziness?

Vertigo and dizziness have been connected to sleep problems, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and sleep deprivation.

Can low vitamin D cause dizziness?

Dizziness is a common symptom of vitamin D deficiency

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