
Why Do Hot Showers Make Me Dizzy?

Why Do Hot Showers Make Me Dizzy
Why Do Hot Showers Make Me Dizzy?

A variety of symptoms can be brought on by prolonged heat or steam exposure. If you feel lightheaded during or after a hot shower, you can try reducing the water's temperature, sitting down, and performing these additional actions.

It can be soothing to take a hot bath, sauna, or hot tub. However, you'll need to take some care if hot water and steam cause you to feel lightheaded.

Heat has a variety of effects on humans. A small amount of mild heat might be helpful, but excessively high heat can be harmful, particularly if you already have certain medical issues.

This article will examine the factors that contribute to dizziness during a hot shower, who is most prone to experience it, and how to treat it.

Why can a hot shower cause dizziness or nausea?

Your heart and circulatory system can benefit from warm water baths or modest sauna sessions. Blood can flow more easily and freely throughout your body as a result of the dilation of blood vessels brought on by heat.

However, if the water becomes too hot, persons with underlying heart, neurological, or circulation issues may have unsettling symptoms like dizziness.

Long-term exposure to hot water and steam, whether in a hot tub, sauna, or shower, can alter how your body functions and negate the advantages of warm water treatment.

Hot water raised heart rates by 32% and the amount of blood your heart pumps with each beat by 44%, according to one study.

These figures might look fantastic, but if you suffer from a condition that prevents your body from adjusting to significant changes in blood pressure or heart rate, you could feel lightheaded or even lose consciousness.

Additionally, heat can have an impact on your nervous system, producing changes in which areas of your nervous system are in charge of particular functions. Your extensive neural system may become confused as a result of this shifting, and nervous system disorders may make things much more difficult.

In particular, those who suffer from autonomic dysfunction need to be mindful of their surroundings' temperatures.

Since the autonomic nervous system aids in controlling body temperature, fluctuations in body temperature that are too rapid could be harmful.

What happens if you faint in the shower?

You may experience lightheadedness owing to the dilatation of your blood vessels, which results in low blood pressure and an elevated heart rate if you have a heart or circulation problem, another illness like dysautonomia, or both.

If you don't go to a cooler location, this dizziness could develop into a syncopal episode or fainting. Falls pose several risks, particularly in the shower. Additional risks are created by faucets, soap, and water.

Installing a grab bar or bench might give you stability if you tend to become lightheaded during hot showers, preventing you from fainting out.

Can you prevent dizziness or getting sick from a hot shower?

You can take some precautions to avoid feeling lightheaded during a hot shower if you are aware of your tendency.

Managing dysautonomia by increasing salt and fluid intake, for example, can be helpful if you have the disorder. Avoid being dehydrated or exhausted before taking a hot shower because this will just enhance your risk.

If you have a known cardiovascular condition, be careful to adhere to the treatment schedule created with the help of your healthcare provider. Talk about any activities you should stay away from, such as hot showers, saunas, hot tubs, and more.

Tips and tricks

If taking a shower makes you feel dizzy, try the following steps.

People who experience dizziness after hot showers must take action to manage their environment and reduce their risk of falling. The following recommendations will help you make your hot or warm showers as secure as possible.
  • Before you take a shower, down a glass of water.
  • To avoid getting lured by excessively hot water, set a temperature limit on your water heater.
  • To help you stand up straight in the shower, install a grab bar.
  • Install a shower chair inside the shower or immediately next to it so you have a convenient spot to sit if you start to feel dizzy.
  • If you get dizzy and lose your balance in the shower, try using a non-slip mat to attempt to avoid falling.
  • If you have a history of fainting after becoming lightheaded, think about installing bumpers or cushions around your shower faucets and other fixtures.
  • In case you become too dizzy or faint in the shower and want assistance, keep a medical alert device close by and within reach.
  • If your bathroom has a window, let some fresh air in while you're taking a shower.

Do any medications lead to dizziness from a hot shower?

Many drugs have a side effect known as dizziness or lightheadedness. This effect can also be produced by sedatives, diuretics, antihistamines, and other drugs that drop blood pressure and heart rate.

After starting a new medication, if you notice that you're getting lightheaded in the shower, speak with the doctor who recommended the drug. Avoid stopping any prescription drugs without first consulting your doctor, and be sure to bring up any adverse effects and alterations in your general health you detect after starting a new drug.


Anyone can experience dizziness while taking a shower since the warm steam opens up your blood vessels and decreases your blood pressure.

A hot shower can usually be relaxing and help lower blood pressure for most people. However, the response may be more severe in patients with cardiac issues or autonomic nervous system disorders.

Fainting can result from dizziness, especially when there is soap, water, or a slippery surface present. Try reducing the water's temperature, sitting down, and taking other safety precautions if you find you're becoming lightheaded while having a shower.


Can shower steam make you dizzy?

Prolonged exposure to heat or steam can trigger a range of symptoms.

Is a 1-hour shower too long?

A fast daily rinse is not equivalent to an hour-long marathon shower or tub soak. 

How many minutes is a normal shower?

eight minutes

Is it normal to feel dizzy after a hot shower?

Your blood vessels will enlarge after a hot or lengthy shower or bath, which will increase your chance of fainting.

Can hot steam make you faint?

may result in fainting

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