
How to Use a Lice Comb?

How to Use a Lice Comb
How to Use a Lice Comb?

The tools and methods you employ to get rid of lice can have a significant impact on how effective combing is.

The most successful method for getting rid of lice and their eggs (also known as nits) from your hair is to wet-comb it, along with utilising medicated shampoos and rinses.

Running a lice comb over already-moistened hair is known as "wet-combing." This makes it simpler to distinguish between the hair and find lice and nits.

Continue reading to find out what tools you'll need to get the most out of your lice comb, receive a step-by-step tutorial for wet-combing to get rid of lice, and learn what not to do for the best outcomes.

What you’ll need besides a lice comb

The tools you'll need to use a lice comb on wet hair are listed below:
  • Spray bottle or bowl: with fresh water at room temperature
  • Towel: to wrap your shoulders in
  • Comb or brush: to detangle or remove knots from your hair
  • Hair clips or pins: to aid in separating sections of hair
  • Lice comb: with narrow, long teeth that are closely spaced
  • Tissues: for cleaning the lice comb
  • Trash can or bag: to dispose of used tissues
  • Treatment with a pediculicide (shampoo or rinse): to utilise subsequently
Additional materials include:
  • wash your hair with ordinary shampoo and conditioner first.
  • strong illumination or a lamp will make lice easier to see.
  • In the mirror, check your head for lice
  • using a magnifying glass to look at individual hairs

How to remove lice and nits with a comb

It is advised to have someone else comb the lice-infested person's hair. Ask a friend or family member whether this is you. If you're assisting someone else, the following instructions will show you how to use a comb to remove lice and their eggs:
  1. To make it easier to view lice and eggs, wet the hair with a spray bottle or a bowl.
  2. To untangle or brush out knots, comb or brush the hair. This makes combing through hair with the lice comb simpler.
  3. Have the person take a seat in a well-lit area. Wrap their shoulders in the towel.
  4. To divide your hair into many 1-inch portions, use hair clips and pins. This makes it easier for you to concentrate on particular regions while preventing the transmission of lice from one location to another.
  5. Pass the lice comb slowly through each inch-long segment of hair. Work your way outward from the scalp to the end of the hair section. Lice and eggs should be accumulating on the comb teeth.
  6. After each combing, clean the comb. After you've removed a piece of hair using a comb, wipe the comb clean of any lice or eggs with tissues before re-inserting it into the hair. After one usage, place tissues in a sealed garbage bag.
  7. To ensure that you remove the majority of lice and their eggs, comb through each region of hair at least twice.
  8. After combing, rinse the hair with water or use a pediculicide shampoo or rinse to help eliminate any lingering lice or eggs that could have been overlooked.
  9. To effectively eliminate any lice or eggs still on the comb, soak it in water that is hotter than 130 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes. You can also let a pediculicide treatment sit on the lice comb for an hour.
  10. To prevent lice from spreading inside your home, dispose of used tissues in different trash cans or outdoor containers.

What not to do

When wet-combing, try to avoid these frequent errors that might cause more harm than good:
  • Once you've finished wet-combing, don't let your hair dry.
  • Before wiping it off, wait to use your lice comb between sections of hair.
  • Immediately after wiping off your lice comb, stop using tissues.
  • Never dispose of used tissues in a regular trash can.
  • After soaking your lice comb in hot water, do not use it again.
  • Never put on the same clothes you wore while wet-combing.
  • After employing a pediculicide treatment, wait at least two days before washing your hair again.


The best technique to get rid of lice and their eggs from hair is to use a lice comb on damp hair and a pediculicide treatment.

Up until you don't notice any lice or eggs, periodically repeat the wet-combing procedure.


Can a lice comb damage hair?

A lice comb will probably hurt and tug on knotted hair, and it won't be able to get rid of an active infestation.

Can lice fall out of hair?

Head lice survive less than one or two days if they fall off the scalp and cannot feed. 

Are lice more active at night?

Head lice are much more active at night.

How do I know if the lice are gone?

Check for 2–3 weeks to be sure all lice and nits are gone.

Can lice lay eggs on pillows?

They can still lay eggs

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